Image of Alexei Navalny, the Russian opposition leader, symbolizing bravery and resistance

ALEXEI NAVALNY: A Legacy of Bravery and Resistance

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The passing away of Russian oppositionist and political prisoner Alexei Navalny has pushed the world into a flurry of reactions from world leaders, and the situation has drawn the attention to the matter of speaking out against the Kremlin’s dictatorial regime.

Demise and Putin’s Reign

Navalny died in Penal Colony No. 3 in the Arctic Circle jail. In good spirits, the previous day during his court hearing, Alexei Navalny unexpectedly fell down ill in the jail the very next day. In vain, an ambulance team tried to restore life, but the 47-year-old succumbed.

The Russian prison authorities are investigating this death cause, but most people believe the reason behind it is his ongoing conflict with the Russian President, Vladimir Putin.

The anti-corruption and political oppression crusade by Navalny directly contradicted Putin interests, and that was the reason he was taken away.

Alexei Navalny Was A Symbol of Resistance

Navalny became a sign of longing for people who dreamt about a more democratic and open government. He was able to unmask corruption acting as a mirror to the society which led some people appreciating him while others feeling uneasy for him.

The Rise of Alexei Navalny

From a lawyer fighting corruption to an opposition leader, Navalny’s path of his development mirrored the decline in democracy in Russia. This moved him to the center of the stage, as he was organizing anti-fraud-in-elections and Putin’s rule protests.

He showed strong performance in Moscow mayoral elections of that year. The fact that he exposed the deception that Putin and his coterie were solely idealists with their hearts not set on a nation’s prosperity made Navalny very attractive in Russia. He directed his attack on their frauds and opulence, unmasking a world of nepotism, big houses, personal jets, and so on.

When an ordinary citizen like Navalny was able to organize a national movement, and faced the armed regime of Putin, he became the embodiment of opposition to his autocratic rule.

After Navalny’s death Putin’s authority seems even more robust, particularly on the eve of upcoming elections which will certainly form lasting basis of his almost- twenty year rule.

International Outcry

The reaction to Navalny’s death from a lot of global leaders was strongly against Putin. This has resulted in the leaders such as French President Emmanuel Macron, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy, and U.S. President Joe Biden openly accusing Putin for Navalny’s death. EU and UN also voiced their concerns about Russia and called to conduct a transparent fact-finding investigation.

A Call for Change

Moreover, the dismal background of Navalny’s passing did not prevent him from giving a message of endurance and resistance, which has a lasting meaning, and a much bigger impact, than his life itself.

In a film about his life Alexei Navalny told his people: “Don’t stop, use that power!” His death can’t silence his voice, but, on the contrary, it fulfills this aim of his activism which is to give strength to a new generation of Russians.

Legacy of Alexei Navalny

The undeniable legacy left by Alexei Navalny is that of bravery, persistence, and profound loyalty to the very values which he believed in.

His death at may conclude an era, signifying the last puff of light of the dying candle, but it is the power of one individual who can bring about changes and fight oppression. The entire world is grieves for Navalny. His spirit always lives in those who want to continue the struggle and get their justice and their democracy.

Watch here How Alexei Navalny developed as a staunch Fighter fighting Putin Openly

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