Dean Phillips being interviewed by the Press - Dean Phillips Presidential Candidacy

Dem. Dean Phillips files Nomination for 2024 Presidency Race challenging the incumbent President Joe Biden

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Surprisingly, Democrat’s U.S. Representative Dean Phillips is running in the race against the serving President Joe Biden in 2024 election. A three-term congressman from Minnesota, Phillips announced this campaign through New Hampshire, starting a long shot contest that has raised eyebrows among most.

While Dean Phillips may be a familiar name in his Minnesota congressional district, he remains relatively unknown to most Americans. Here’s what we know about the millionaire businessman turned politician who has chosen to challenge the sitting president:

Dean Phillips – Background

Dean Phillips was born into a family with a deep connection to military service. His father, Artie Pfefer, was tragically killed in action during the Vietnam War when Phillips was just six months old. Raised by his mother, Phillips spent his early years with his great-grandparents. This early loss and sacrifice have played a significant role in shaping his life.

In 1972, Phillips’ mother married Eddie Phillips, making Dean an adopted heir of Phillips Distilling Company, a renowned family business known for producing the country’s first schnapps brand. Phillips later joined the family business, playing a pivotal role when it acquired the importing rights for Belvedere vodka in the U.S. He eventually took the reins of the company, leading it for twelve years.

After the passing of his adoptive father, Phillips ventured beyond the distilling industry and joined a small gelato business that his father had invested in. Collaborating with his partners, he helped transform Talenti into one of the nation’s most popular and successful gelato brands.

Dean Phillips -Political Career

Dean Phillips announces his candidacy on TV - Dean Phillips 2024 Presidential Campaign
Dean Phillips officially declares his 2024 presidential candidacy during a TV interview.

Dean Phillips made his entry into politics in 2018, challenging six-term Republican Representative Erik Paulsen. In a blue wave election, he managed to flip a traditionally red seat to blue, becoming the first Democrat to win the Minnesota seat in nearly six decades. Phillips comfortably won re-election in 2020 and then again in the most recent election.

Challenging President Biden

Phillips’ decision to challenge President Biden in the Democratic primary has raised concerns among fellow Democrats. Many worry that his candidacy could damage Biden’s chances of re-election, especially in the face of a potential Donald Trump comeback as the GOP nominee. Furthermore, Phillips’ unconventional move has led to a noticeable distancing from allies, and he even stepped down from his House Democratic leadership post.

The uphill battle that Dean Phillips faces is evident. President Biden, who would be 82 years old at the time of a second inauguration, commands a strong position within the party. While Phillips could emphasize generational change, his political differences from Biden remain minimal. Phillips has been publicly supportive of Biden’s presidential work, making it challenging to find a substantial ideological divide.

Yet, Phillips might find a glimmer of hope in the New Hampshire primary. President Biden has chosen not to appear on the state’s primary ballot, and Phillips could aim to secure a victory in this critical early state. However, the Democratic National Committee’s rearrangement of state presidential primaries, placing South Carolina ahead of New Hampshire, creates additional complexity.


Nonetheless, Dean Phillips has embarked on a remarkable journey, ready to take on a Democratic giant. As the 2024 campaign unfolds, it will be intriguing to see how his challenge to the sitting president shapes the future of American politics. Whether a path to victory exists or not, Phillips’ audacious bid has certainly added a burst of intrigue to the political landscape.

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