Man enjoying ice bath in Ice Bath Tub for enhanced recovery

Ice Bath Tub -A Hot Idea for better Recovery and Performance

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In the quest for better recovery and improved performance, athletes and fitness enthusiasts are turning to an age-old remedy: Ice Baths in an Ice Bath Tub. Recently, Cold Water soaks are done which is generally kept within 50-59 degrees of Fahrenheit. They may help reduce swellings associated with joints as they bring relief.

What Sets an Ice Bath Tub Apart?

Ice baths in an Ice Bath Tub, also known as Cold Water Baths, simply perform miracles in the body. Cold water causes contraction of blood vessels reducing blood flow to some parts thus minimizing inflammation.

Rubber Made Ice Bath Tub - Cold Therapy for Optimal Performance
Rubber Made Ice Bath Tub: Utilize cold therapy for optimal performance.

Ice Bath benefits for Health

  1. Immune Support: Some researchers have shown that the use of Cold Water immersion, deep breathing and mediation reduced bacterial infections. Thus, Ice Bath may turn out to be an important supporter of our immune system.
  2. Exercise Recovery: Recent findings indicate that increased blood flow after an Ice Bath aids in the elimination of such toxic waste products following exercise. It is possible that it could reduce pain by means of its cooling effect; such as for rheumatoid arthritis, gout, and fibromyalgia.
  3. Core Temperature Regulation: After recovery, Ice Baths serve as short-term coolants that bring down body heat. Research has proven that an easy dip in chilled water following physical activity decreases the body’s core temperature, thereby reducing chances for heat strokes or fatigue.
  4. Mental Health Boost: Incredibly, Ice Baths could impact better psychological well-being. Research has showed that taking regular Ice Baths for 20 minutes can be beneficial in terms of enhancing one’s quality of life, improved joint mobility, lessened stress, anxiety, as well as depressions. Upon being exposed to cold water, the body is prompted to go into stress mode with the nervous system becoming activated while long-term stress adaptation occurs.
  5. Inflammation Reduction: It is known that when the body is placed into an Ice Bath, it becomes cold. This causes blood vessels to narrow such that a little amount of blood flows through the muscles. Such action might reduce inflammations and swellings.

Taking the Plunge: How to Ice Bath Safely

Doing Ice Bath is simple. Fill up an Ice Bath tub with cold water and ice and immerse yourself in it to stay there for ten or fifteen minutes. Some precautions should be kept in mind before taking an Ice Bath such as, not taking Ice Baths if you have any medical condition that worsens with cold or spending maximum fifteen minutes in the bathtub and no sleeping after Ice bathing. If any discomfort occurs, it is advised to immediately come out of the Ice Bath tub.

Who Should Avoid Ice Baths?

Ice Baths have both benefits and risks. This chilly recovery method must be avoided by people with the heart disease, blood hypertension, diabetics, pregnant women and young children.

Choosing Your Ice Bath Tub

There are Ice Bath Tubs in the market for different purposes. Our choice will depend upon what do we need an Ice Bath Tub for and what is our budget for it. One can check out the following popular options:

  • Chilled Sports
  • The Cold Plunge
  • Recovery Tub
  • Polar Bear Coolers
  • Econo Ice Bath

In Conclusion we need to invest in something that will be suitable for our needs. If you are trying to be highly athletic, an Ice Bath could be added in this work-out routine. This is a revitalizing and shocking experience that your body will be grateful for.

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