Recalled 5mm Magnetic Balls - Walmart's Safety Concerns over Magnetic Toy Set


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Recently, Walmart recalled a small magnetic toy set because of big safety problems. The recall was initiated by the Safety Commission for Consumer Products. This happened after people got sick and sadly, some died from similar things too. Let’s look closely at this recall and learn about the possible dangers from these magnetic toys.

Walmart’s Urgent Recall of this Magnetic Toy

On December 28, 2023, Walmart started a take back for the “Relax Big Hematite Magnets Magnetic Stones Construction Blocks“. This magnetic toy set with 5 mm colorful magnetic balls is only sold on Joybuy online.

The Safety Concerns over this Magnetic Toy

The Consumer Product Safety Commission highlighted big safety problems with these strong magnetic balls. Even though no injuries caused directly by this particular product have been reported, the commission thinks that between 2017 and 2021, there were about 48 cases of magnets swallowed every year. Surprisingly, the team knows of seven deaths that happened because someone ate dangerous magnets. Two of these happened in other countries too.

Why the Recall?

The magnetic sets, including the product that was recalled, did not follow required federal magnet rules. These toy sets had magnets that were stronger than the set limits. They could easily go into the small parts container made by safety group for consumers. The problem comes when these powerful magnets are eaten, as they can stick together or to other metal things. This can cause major health issues.

The Risks of Swallowing Magnets

Eating magnets can cause big problems, like holes in your intestines, twists and blockages. It also makes you sick with infection and blood poisoning then sadly death could result. Because these magnets are very strong, the possible harm is big.

Product Details and Refund Information

The magnetic balls from China that were bought back, were sold on from February 2022 to April 2023 and cost between $14 and $15 each. People who bought the product are asked to talk with Joybuy for a refund. The number to remember about this product is 24-071.

Choking and Injury Risks to Children

This is not the first time with magnetic balls at Walmart. An earlier call was made because some kids got hurt very badly and even died after swallowing similar items. The 5-millimeter colorful magnetic balls for sale in sets of 216 pieces were dangerous if kids put them in their mouths.

Understanding the Danger of this Magnetic Toy

The Consumer Product Safety Commission talked about how dangerous these strong magnets can be when kids swallow them. If you swallow magnets, they can stick to each other or metal things inside your body. This can cause big problems like holes in the intestines, twisting of them blocking flow and infection that pollutes blood causing severe harm up even until death is possible worst cases.

Recalled Product Details

Approximately 4,240 units of the recalled Relax Magnetic Balls were only sold online at from February 2022 to April 2023. The item, made in China, was bought from Joybuy Marketplace Express.

The Recalled Magnetic Toy

Taking Action and Seeking Refunds

People who bought the recalled magnetic balls need to talk with Joybuy. They’ll give a return label and money back for returning. You can call Walmart directly at 302-426-4543 between 9 am and 5 pm Pacific time on weekdays from Monday to Friday. You can also ask questions by sending an email to this address: [email protected].

The Context of Recent Warnings

This recall matches with new warnings given by the Consumer Product Safety Commission about how toy magnet sets can be dangerous. In a set of warnings, the group pointed out that these toys can pose huge risks to kids who might eat them.


As Walmart quickly deals with safety worries about these magnetic toy sets, people are reminded that it’s important to put safety first when buying toys – especially the ones using small magnets. Being careful and fast to act when things are recalled can stop accidents. This will keep kids and people safe from harm.

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