NFL tackles player safety with ban on swivel hip drop tackle - featuring player tackling opponent.

NFL Tackles The Swivel Hip Drop Tackle for Player Safety

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Huge Advance That Protects The Players Safety

A new rule in the NFL’s code of conduct was adopted at the last meeting of the owners, and the Swivel Hip Drop Tackle, a tackling technique famous for its risk of causing lower-body injuries, is now banned. This call during the Annual League Meeting, is an essential decision for better player protection in professional Football.

The Ban on Swivel Hip Drop Tackle

The Swivel Hip Drop Tackle where the defender shifts the gravity and lowers himself to a point where he sits and traps the leg of the runner at or below the knee has consistently been the subject of debate because it can cause serious injuries. Vincent, NFL executive Vice President of Football operations, highlighted the risk of player by pointing out that such a tackle had 20-25 times higher injury rate than the standard tackle.

Specifics of the Hip Drop Tackle Ban

The ban is not for the entire tackle but it only restricts the swivel motion that causes undesirable situations. The League is specifically geared towards the betterment of the sport by educating players and coaches on the safer tackling techniques whilst also imposing penalties for the said violations.

Penalties and Enforcement On Hip Drop Tackle

The rule will yield a 15 yard penalty and an automatic first down for any player who is seen committing the Swivel-Hip Drop Tackle. This season, NFL referees will receive special training designed to help them identify the particular elements of tackling, which involve grabbing the runner, rotating, and unweighting, after which a penalty will be given.

Player and Fan Reactions

Although it is true that there are some players and fans that feel negative about these new rules by saying that it will cause them confusion and it will be difficult to adjust to these new standards, NFL ensures the safety of the players as their priority. The ban aims to be part of a bigger plan for reducing injuries and ensuring more safety around the playground.

Continued Safety Efforts

The league’s selection is the result of the increasing movement in sports to mend exits that lead to safety and elimination of unnecessary pain. As the NFL is still modifying the rules and regulations, the goal is to provide players with the safety they need and for the game to have the standards it deserves.

Future Outlook

The prohibition of the Swivel Hip-Drop Tackle is the starting point of NFL’s extensive attempt to improve the security of players. The league will keep on monitoring for innovative strategies to minimize injuries and prevent those injuries from happening during the play.


Eventually, the ban of such hip-drop tackles, which is a kind of preventive action from the NFL to support and protect the players. The NFL is looking to mitigate the risks involved in this grotesque technique so as to protect its athletes while ensuring the longevity and success of Football all-over.

Watch here What is A Hip Drop Tackle and Why the NFL is banning It ?

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