Nvidia graphics cards with Nvidia logo illustrating the Nvidia stock split.

Nvidia Stock Split : Key Details for Investors

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Understanding Nvidia’s 10-for-1 Stock Split

The Nvidia stock split will affect shareholders of common stock as of market close on Thursday. After market close on Friday, investors will receive nine additional shares for every share they hold.

The first day of split-adjusted trading will be Monday. This offers 10 times as many shares at a significantly lower price per share. The overall value of holdings or the company’s market cap will not change.

For instance, if Nvidia shares were trading at $1,200 before the split, one share becomes 10 shares. These 10 shares will be priced at $120 each post-split. This lower price per share could attract a broader range of investors. This may boost demand and lead to more gains for Nvidia stockholders.

Courtesy : Money Media x Kalilah Reynolds

Unusual Trading Activity Ahead of the Nvidia Stock Split

In the days leading up to the stock split, there has been unusual activity in Nvidia options trading, highlighting increased investor interest.

Nvidia’s stock rose by about 3% in midday trading recently, with the stock price climbing 56.8% since late April and 26.2% since the announcement of the stock split in May.

The stock split will also impact options trading. With the adjusted strike prices, trading puts and calls will become easier and more affordable. For example, a put premium of $12.20 will adjust to $1.22, making it cheaper to buy and sell options. This change is likely to encourage more trading activity in Nvidia options.

Potential Impacts on Nvidia’s Stock Price

Stock splits often signal that a company’s stock price has increased substantially, and investors may expect this growth to continue. Historically, stock splits have been bullish for companies, with shares typically gaining 25% one year after the split compared to 12% for the broader market, according to Bank of America research.

Additionally, the split could increase Nvidia’s chances of joining price-weighted indexes like the Dow Jones Industrial Average. High-priced stocks often have an outsized impact on such indexes, but with a lower share price, Nvidia may become a more likely candidate for inclusion.


Nvidia’s 10-for-1 Nvidia Stock split is a significant event for the company and its investors. Moreover, by lowering the share price, Nvidia aims to make its stock more accessible and attractive to a wider range of investors. Additionally, the increased trading activity in options and the potential for inclusion in major indexes underscore the positive outlook for Nvidia post-split.

As the split takes effect, investors will be watching closely to see how these changes impact Nvidia’s stock performance in the coming months.

Watch here : How you can acrue benefits from Nvidia Stock Split

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