A close-up portrait of a TICK, highlighting the risks during TICK Season.

Preparing for TICK Season: Safeguarding Your Spring and Summer

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With the arrival of warmer temperatures, TICK activity increases, underscoring the need to ready yourself for TICK SEASON.

TICKS are most active from April to September, as highlighted by the CDC, and staying informed and proactive is key to safeguarding yourself, your loved ones, and your pets from TICK-borne diseases.

Understanding the Risks of TICKS in TICK SEASON

TICKS pose a significant health risk, carrying diseases like Lyme disease that can have serious consequences. Matt Rogers, co-founder of Pestie, a DIY pest control company, stresses the importance of proactive measures in shielding yourself and your home from TICKS.

Having a proactive protection plan is crucial, especially with the onset of spring,” Rogers advises. He recommends establishing a protective barrier around your home and yard to combat TICKS. Additionally, safeguarding your pets is essential, as they are susceptible to picking up TICKS while outdoors.

Preventing TICK Bites In TICK Season

To ward off TICK bites,

  • opt for light-colored clothing.
  • wear long pants tucked into socks.
  • apply EPA registered bug repellent on both clothing and skin.
  • Avoid sitting on logs or trees and stick to the center of trails while hiking.
  • After outdoor activities, shower and diligently check yourself, your family, and your pets for Ticks, paying close attention to areas like the hairline, armpits, and groin.

Recognizing Symptoms

Early signs of TICK-borne illnesses may manifest as flu-like symptoms such as fatigue, aches, fever, rashes, headaches, and changes in mood or behavior. If you suspect a TICK bite and experience these symptoms, seek prompt medical attention.

Removing TICKS Safely

When discovering a Tick attached to your skin or your pet’s, proper removal is crucial. Use clean tweezers to grasp the Tick as close to the skin as possible and gently pull, avoiding sudden movements. Post-extraction, cleanse the bite site and your hands thoroughly.

Seeking Medical Attention

In case of symptoms post-TICK bite, prompt medical attention is imperative. Timely diagnosis and treatment are effective in managing Lyme disease and other TICK-borne illnesses. Testing the TICK for Lyme disease can aid in assessing your risk.

Education and Awareness

Reece White, a nursing student with a personal Lyme disease connection, advocates for awareness. Stressing prevention techniques and early detection, she underscores the impact of timely diagnosis and treatment in managing Lyme disease.

Raising Awareness: National Lyme and TICK-Borne Disease Awareness Month

May is dedicated to National Lyme and TICK-Borne Disease Awareness, highlighting the importance of Education and Prevention. Online resources provide valuable information on TICK-borne diseases, empowering individuals to protect themselves and their families effectively.


As TICK SEASON looms, readiness and knowledge are paramount. By proactively safeguarding yourself, your loved ones, and your pets, you can relish a safe and healthy spring and summer. Stay vigilant, acknowledge the risks, and promptly seek medical attention if a Tick bite is suspected.

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