A screenshot of the game Dread Delusion showing its captivating world and deep RPG mechanics.

RPG Dread Delusion Stands Out Despite Low Player Count

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The RPG landscape has welcomed a unique gem with the release of Dread Delusion. This Morrowind-inspired Role Playing Game has finally reached its 1.0 release. This release 1.0 has been met with great reviews, yet it struggles to attract a large player base on Steam.

Dread Delusion is a game that pays homage to the RPG Classics while carving out its own niche, making it a must-play for fans of the genre.

RPG World of Oneiric Isles

The game takes place in the Oneiric Isles, a floating archipelago under a red sky, brimming with warring armies and cosmic mysteries.

As a prisoner of one such army, players are tasked with taking down the rebellious Vela Callose. Consequently, this mission sets off a long and intricate journey, rich with deep Role Playing Game mechanics. The Oneiric Isles are dangerous yet captivating, reminiscent of Morrowind’s Vvardenfell or Elden Ring’s Lands Between.

Players encounter unique locations like a pub inside a dead god’s head and a castle haunted by illusions, all adding depth to the world.

RPG Mechanics and Player Freedom

In Dread Delusion, players have the freedom to tailor their protagonist’s skills in combat, magic, stealth, or charm, allowing for varied gameplay styles.

Unlike many RPGs where combat is the primary focus, this game encourages creative problem-solving. Instead of fighting, players can charm their way through situations or use stealth to bypass obstacles. T

his level of freedom is reminiscent of Elder Scrolls titles, offering a refreshing take on RPG gameplay.

Visual and Tonal Uniqueness in RPG

The visual style of Dread Delusion is a blend of low-poly horror aesthetics inspired by PlayStation 1 graphics, creating an unsettling yet enthralling atmosphere. Moreover, the game shifts between tones of cosmic horror, fantasy, and comedy, making for a unique experience.

This tonal diversity, coupled with its deep skill system, makes Dread Delusion stand out in the crowded indie RPG market.

Positive Reviews but Low Player Count

Despite its innovative approach and positive reviews, Dread Delusion has struggled to attract a large audience. It has a “Very Positive” rating on Steam, based on over 1,200 reviews, yet its player count remains low, with a peak of just over 1,100 players.

This discrepancy between critical acclaim and player numbers is a challenge many indie RPGs face.


In a year filled with compelling indie RPGs, Dread Delusion is a standout title. Its blend of deep roleplaying mechanics, unique visual style, and the rich, dangerous world of the Oneiric Isles make it a game worth exploring.

While it may not have a large player base yet, those who dive into Dread Delusion will find an RPG experience that is both nostalgic and refreshingly new.

Watch here : Whats’ New In Dread Delusion 1.0

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