Showcasing the year's top best VR games - including Vertigo 2, Quest 3, and Pistol Whip.

The Best VR Games of 2023 : Take off the Cover

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Board our time-machine to explore the year 2023, as we reveal UploadVR’s Best of VR Awards winners. New hardware releases and exciting VR games were rampant this year on every platform. Let us journey with you through the best of VR 2023, and see who is leading in both Hardware and Software.

Best VR Games : Pistol Whip Takes the Lead in the Updated Category

New content and experiences arise after the release of VR games. Walkabout Mini Golf, Puzzling Places, Among Us VR, and Breachers came out with some very impressive demonstrations. Nonetheless, the crown for Best VR Games in the Updated VR Games Category,2023 goes to Pistol Whip.

Poster for Pistol Whip Overdrive, a leading contender among the year's best VR games of 2023.
The adrenaline-pumping action of Pistol Whip Overdrive, one of the standout titles among the acclaimed Best VR Games of the year.

Developer Cloudhead Games is constantly enhancing the experience with all kinds of updates such as Overdrive Season, Elixir of Madness, and Pistol Mix modding tool. There will be more to look forward in 2024.

Best VR Games : New VR/AR Hardware Category – Quest 3

Among noteworthy releases like XR Elite and PSVR 2, Quest 3 is crowned Best New VR/AR Hardware. This standout of the virtual reality hardware family boasts improved comfort, pancake lenses for more lifelike visuals, and significantly stronger GPU performance.

Best VR Games : Best VR Developer – Zach Tsiakalis-Brown’s Solo Triumph

Amongst a sea of impressive developers, Zach Tsiakalis-Brown stands out from the crowd as Best VR Developer. Creativity and Excellence: His solo masterpiece, Vertigo 2. When he’s interviewed about the process, you get a peek into how this PC VR gem was put together by one man.

Best VR Games : New Multiplayer VR Game Category – Dungeons of Eternity Triumphs

Dungeons of Eternity raises its sword to win the Best New Multiplayer VR Game. This fantasy action RPG is an enjoyable game that can be played by different styles. The title’s Essential rating early in the year cemented its position as a premier multiplayer VR game.

Best VR Games : Most Anticipated VR Game of 2024 – Underdogs Steals the Spotlight

Skydance’s Behemoth and Silent Slayer are two fascinating titles worth waiting until 2024. Still there’s Underdogs, with its cooler approach to futuristic mech brawler combat. Everyone is waiting anxiously for its physics-based system and fun gameplay.

Favorite Early Access VR Game: Glassbreakers Shines in Early Access

Glassbreakers, revealed at Gamescom, is this week’s Favorite Early Access VR Game. Upon its full release, a competitive MOBA-like structure and engaging interactions should promise an immersive journey for multiplayer.

Favorite Mixed Reality Experience: Demeo/Demeo Battles Take the Spotlight

Mixed reality experiences blossomed when Quest 3 arrived. From the bunch: Demeo and Demeo Battles are our favorite reasons to slip on a VR headset, with their immersive co-op dungeon crawling action alongside competitive PvP bouts.

Favorite New PSVR 2 Game: Home Away from Horizon: Call of the Mountain Topping Each Other

PSVR 2 introduced engaging titles like Resident Evil VR Modes and Synapse, but the standout is Horizon: Call of the Mountain. As the flagship title, it combines VR uniqueness with faithfulness to the Horizon franchise. This is our pick for Favorite New PSVR 2 Game.

Favorite New PC VR Game: Vertigo 2 Soars to Victory

While the number of PC VR releases has been shrinking, that hasn’t deterred Vertigo 2 from claiming Favorite New PC VR Game. A terrific tribute to notable Valve titles, Gryphon Knight Epic is an extremely well-finished campaign that testifies to the talent of its sole developer Zach Tsiakalis-Brown.

Favorite New Quest Game: Assassin’s Creed Nexus VR Dominates

Quest owners have an incredibly rich selection to choose from. The Assassin’s Creed Nexus VR, meanwhile, is our Favorite New Game for the Oculus Quest platform. Skeptics be ignored, it brings a 20-hour campaign that only fully realized VR entries for big franchises can show.

VR Game of the Year 2023: Vertigo 2’s Solo Triumph

In a fierce competition featuring titles like Horizon: The VR Game of the Year for 2023 goes to: Vertigo 2, along with Call of the Mountain and Assassin’s Creed Nexus. Dungeons of Eternity also got a shout-out as an honorable mention (PDF). Its polished shooter campaign, mostly made by solo developer Zach Tsiakalis-Brown. Stands tall next to industry heavyweights.

With 2023 finally in the rearview mirror, one thing is for certain—the VR landscape will only get richer and more immersive with time. So stay tuned for the latest developments in an ever-expanding world of virtual reality gaming.

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