Side-by-side image of Reeva Steenkamp and Oscar Pistorius, central to the story of her tragic demise.

The REEVA STEENKAMP Murderer Released on Parole

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Oscar Pistorius, the former celebrated double-amputee Paralympic and Olympic sprint runner is back in society after receiving parole; thereby reviving memories of that fateful night when he MURDERS REEVA STEENKAMP his girlfriend.

A Controversial Release: In November, Pistorius was granted parole after serving half of his 13-year sentence for killing REEVA STEENKAMP. The parole conditions to be effective up to 2029 will engage Pistorius with different initiatives that address gender-based violence and anger management.

The Night of Tragedy – The Reeva Steenkamp Murder

14th February 2013, Pistorius fired STEENKAMP with four bullets via a locked bathroom door in his home located in the city of Pretoria. Pistorius said it was a tragic mistake as he thought she was an intruder. Prosecutors said it was deliberate, painting a different tale of anger and heated argument that ultimately led to her demise.

Legal Battles and Sentence Escalation – The Reeva Steenkamp Murder Case

The case had legal turns. 2014 Pistorius was convicted of manslaughter but in 2015 a higher court upgraded this to murder. Further appeals by the prosecutors bumped up his sentence to 13 years and five months in 2017.

Path to Parole for Pistorius

Restorative Justice process in South Africa made Pistorius eligible for parole as of March 2023. Requirements from the parole board include attending programs on gender-based violence and anger management.

Mixed Feelings and Concerns for mother of Reeva Steenkamp

June Steenkamp, the mother of REEVA STEENKAMP expressed forgiveness but is still skeptical about Pistorius’ rehabilitation saying that real repentance is necessary for proper healing process. She even raised the question about other women being safe once he is out of jail.

Release Details and Public Reaction

Pistorius was released from Atteridgeville Correctional Centre on Friday morning, amidst media speculation. The particulars of his release were not disclosed for security reasons. 10 years later, the Steenkamp family still mourns and hopes for peace when Pistorius is set free.

Life Sentence for the Ones Left Behind

While Pistorius is released, June Steenkamp notes that the pain goes on for those left behind and no time served can bring back REEVA. The parole terms are intended to integrate into society, but there is an unsettled doubt about Pistorius’ sincerity in being remorseful.

A Fallen Hero

Oscar Pistorius running on the track, a representation of his athletic career before the tragic events involving Reeva Steenkamp.
Oscar Pistorius in his athletic prime, illustrating his prowess before the tragic events involving Reeva Steenkamp.

He was once hailed as a “Blade Runner” for overcoming adversity and in 2012, he competed against able-bodied athletes on the Olympics. However, his rapid rise into fame fell apart due to the tragic death of STEENKAMP and hence followed a complicated legal odyssey.


As Oscar Pistorius makes steps towards rehabilitation, the questions of what happened that night linger on. Legal battles are over, but this tragedy keeps echoing in the time of humanity underlining lasting pain for Steenkamp family and necessity of true regret on a road to salvation.

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