Westin Bonaventure Hotel Westin Bonaventure Hotel where over 32 Conference attendees reported symptoms consistent with Shigella infection.. The union delegate event, held from August 21 to 24 at the Westin Bonaventure, was meant to be a significant moment in labor negotiations for Kaiser Permanente employees. However, the Conference took a startling turn when attendees started getting sick with symptoms of a severe stomach bug..

The Shigella Outbreak : A Health Crisis Hits Los Angeles UC

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A recent union conference at the Westin Bonaventure Hotel in downtown Los Angeles took an unexpected turn. Attendees, gathered for a coalition of unions representing Kaiser Permanente employees, faced a serious health crisis with the outbreak of Shigella bacteria.

We delve into the details of this unfortunate event, explaining why it happened, what its consequences were, and what followed the Shigella outbreak that left at least 32 people affected, with six needing hospital care.

The Unexpected Shigella Outbreak

The union delegate event, held from August 21 to 24 at the Westin Bonaventure, was meant to be a significant moment in labor negotiations for Kaiser Permanente employees. However, the Conference took a startling turn when attendees started getting sick with symptoms of a severe stomach bug.

Patient Zero: Terri McDonald’s Terrifying Experience

One of those affected, Terri McDonald, decided to take legal action against Marriott International, the hotel’s operator. She shared her frightening story, recounting that after returning from the conference, she began feeling nauseous, had bloody diarrhea, a fever, and terrible headaches. McDonald’s condition deteriorated quickly, leading her to seek treatment at Kaiser on August 27. She stayed in the hospital until September 1, where she was diagnosed with Sepsis, and her kidneys were failing.

The Widespread Impact of the Shigella Outbreak

The extent of the outbreak became evident as more cases emerged. In total, over 32 Conference attendees reported symptoms consistent with Shigella infection. This alarming number prompted immediate action from health officials, and the Alameda County Public Health Department was the first to report the outbreak.

The Highly Contagious Nature of Shigella Outbreak

Shigella Infected Digestive System and Symptom List.
Illustration of a Shigella-infected digestive system alongside a transcript of Shigella symptoms and complications, providing crucial information during the Shigella Outbreak.

Shigella, a notorious bacterial pathogen, is infamous for being highly contagious. It can spread easily from person to person through the transmission of tiny traces of fecal matter from an infected person. This can happen in various scenarios, including taking care of a sick person, changing a sick child’s diaper, touching contaminated surfaces, or consuming contaminated food or water.

Change of Location: Implications and Controversy

The decision to move the Conference from the InterContinental to the Westin Bonaventure Hotel added complexity to the outbreak’s story. This move happened because of ongoing protests by hotel workers demanding better wages and working conditions. The InterContinental was one of the sites where workers had authorized strikes, and the Bonaventure was the only hotel to have reached a tentative deal with the union, thus avoiding strikes.

Hotel’s Response and Investigation

In response to the outbreak, the Westin Bonaventure Hotel emphasized its commitment to the safety of guests and staff. A hotel spokesperson stated that they had fully cooperated with public health agencies in the investigation. Notably, recent inspections of the hotel’s food and beverage operations by L.A. County had resulted in A ratings. However, due to ongoing legal matters, the hotel declined to provide further comments on the situation.

The Broader Impact of Shigella

Shigella is not a new threat, and its prevalence extends beyond this unfortunate incident. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Shigella causes an estimated 500,000 illnesses, 6,000 hospitalizations, and 40 deaths in the U.S. each year. While many infected individuals recover without treatment, the bacterium can pose a severe threat, especially if it enters the bloodstream.

Key TakeAways

The Shigella outbreak at the Westin Bonaventure Hotel serves as a stark reminder of the importance of maintaining strict hygiene standards, especially in settings where large groups of people gather. The incident has had a lasting impact on both the affected individuals and the broader community, raising questions about the responsibility of event organizers and venues in ensuring the health and safety of attendees.

As investigations continue and legal actions unfold, it’s crucial to stay informed about developments surrounding this unfortunate outbreak and to remain vigilant about public health concerns in similar settings. The aftermath of the Shigella outbreak underscores the need for proactive measures to prevent such incidents from happening in the future.

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