Top Anti-Ageing Herbs for A Toned Glowing Skin – How To Slowdown Your Body Ageing To Maintain or Regain A Youthful Look To Your Skin

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How can You Delay or Slowdown Your Body Ageing? or How can You treat Your Fading Skin ? or also, How can You Ever Maintain the existing Radiance of Your Skin for a long time ?.

In this Top Expert Speak article ” Top Anti-Ageing Herbs for A Toned Glowing Skin “, we reveal to You some of the well researched info and secrets about some of the most effective Top Herbs that can treat Your Body and Skin Tone. In summary, using this info about these Top Herbs, you can make your Skin and Body Regain its lost lustre and also Stop Your Skin from further fading away its Radiance and Health.

We invite you to take a look at the DIFFERENT APPLICATION METHODS OF THESE HERBS aswell as WAYS TO CONSUME THESE HERBS thru regular Food or Beverage drinks, inorder that you may derive maximum health benefits for Your Skin and Body using these Top Anti-Ageing Herbs.

Top Anti-Ageing Herbs for Your Body and Skin Tone

Eleventh to the List

White Tea AND Green Tea

White Tea Leaves.of variety White Bai Hao Yinzhen Tea leaves. White Tea Leaves often used as Top Anti-Ageing Herbs to slowdown Your Body Ageing.and Treat or Maintain Your Skin.
White Tea Leaves.of variety White Bai Hao Yinzhen Tea leaves. White Tea Leaves.of variety White Bai Hao Yinzhen Tea leaves.
Image : CC BY-SA 3.0, – photo credit CC BY-SA 3.0,
Green Tea variety called Longjing, grown in Zhejiang, China. Green Tea often used as Top Anti-Ageing Herbs to slowdown Your Body Ageing.and Treat or Maintain Your Skin.
Green Tea variety called Longjing, grown in Zhejiang, China. By Difference engine
Image : Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0,

Earlier Studies have shown that WHITE TEA protects Vital Skin Proteins – Collagen and Elastin – from breakdown. This consequently prevents the formation of fine lines on Your Skin and Body. WHITE TEA therefore treats Your Skin and leads to a Smoother and Youthful look to your Body.

Likewise, GREEN TEA is a great and healthy anti-Ageing option. It is slightly more Oxidized than WHITE TEA. Additionally, GREEN TEA is High in anti-Oxidants, Minerals and Vitamins. Moreover, GREEN TEA plays an amazing role in reducing any UV damage to the Skin.

Top Anti-Ageing Herbs for Your Body and Skin Tone

Tenth to the List


Basil Leaves. Basil often used as Top Anti-Ageing Herbs to slowdown Your Body Ageing.and Treat or Maintain Your Skin.
Basil Leaves.

Basil, most importantly Prevents signs of Ageing caused to Skin due to UV exposure. When You expose your skin to UV rays, the collagen present in your Skin starts depleting and this consequently causes damages to your skin.

Application Method

Soak Basil leaves in Warm Water and later prepare a paste out of these soaked Leaves. Further, add Gram Flour and Honey. Finally Apply on Skin and wash away, once it gets dry.

Top Anti-Ageing Herbs for Your Body and Skin Tone

Ninth to the List


Bark of Cinnamon Tree often used as Herbs that benefit Health and Body for Weight Loss and as Top Anti-Ageing Herbs to slowdown Your Body Ageing.and Treat or Maintain Your Skin.
Cinnamon from the bark of a Cinnamon Tree often used as Herbs that benefit Health and Body for Weight Loss.

Cinnamon Prevents Collagen breakdown and also Prevents Loss of Skin Elasticity. 

Application Method

Firstly Prepare a paste of Cinnamon powder and Honey. Next, Apply on Your Skin and Wash off later after 10 min.

Top Anti-Ageing Herbs for Your Body and Skin Tone

Eighth to the List


Fresh Ginger Rizhome. Gingeroften used as Top Anti-Ageing Herbs to slowdown Your Body Ageing.and Treat or Maintain Your Skin.
Fresh Ginger Rizhome.

Ginger contains anti-Oxidants and secondly anti-Inflammatory properties that prevent signs of Ageing. 

Application Method

Firstly, grate Ginger. Additionally, add Olive Oil and Brown Sugar to this grated Ginger. Later, Apply on Face and Rinse off after 10 min.

Top Anti-Ageing Herbs for Your Body and Skin Tone

Seventh to the List


Herb called Ginkgo biloba Eocene fossil leaf from the Tranquille Shale of MacAbee, British Columbia, Canada. Herb Ginkgo often used as Top Anti-Ageing Herbs to slowdown Your Body Ageing.and Treat or Maintain Your Skin
Herb called Ginkgo biloba Eocene fossil leaf from the Tranquille Shale of MacAbee, British Columbia, Canada.

Gingko Herb in particular, Prevents Wrinkles and Improves Skin Texture.

Application Method

First Prepare a mixture of Honey, Clay and Gingko extracts. Later, Apply this mixture on Skin. Finally, wash off this Application, once dry.

Top Anti-Ageing Herbs for Your Body and Skin Tone

Sixth to the List


Dried graded roots of Ashwagandha. Ashwagandha often used as Top Anti-Ageing Herbs to slowdown Your Body Ageing.and Treat or Maintain Your Skin.
Dried graded roots of Ashwagandha.

Ashwagandha Herb is abundantly filled with Alkaloids that protect Skin cells, and more importantly from Stress and Damage. Additionally, it also has anti-Bacterial, anti Fungal, and Cognitive Boosting properties.

Application Method

Firstly, prepare a Face Pack. In particular, include Ashwagandha powder, Ginger powder and Lemon Juice in Your Face Pack. Later, Apply on Face and Rinse when dry.

Top Anti-Ageing Herbs for Your Body and Skin Tone

Fifth to the List of Top Anti-Ageing Herbs


A root of cultivate d Korean Ginseng variety also called P. Ginseng. Root of Ginseng often used as Top Anti-Ageing Herbs to slowdown Your Body Ageing.and Treat or Maintain Your Skin
A root of cultivated Korean Ginseng variety also called P. Ginseng.
A Ginseng Plant Specie called Panax or Asian or Chinese or Korean Ginseng. Ginsengoften used as Top Anti-Ageing Herbs to slowdown Your Body Ageing.and Treat or Maintain Your Skin.
A Ginseng Plant Specie called Panax or Asian or Chinese or Korean Ginseng.

Ginseng Herb is a very popular Chinese Herb with most importantly anti-Ageing properties.

Application Method

Firstly, at night time, prepare a Paste of Ginseng powder with Warm Water. Later Apply this Paste on Face with a Cotton bud. Leave it Overnight for best results.

Top Anti-Ageing Herbs for Your Body and Skin Tone

Fourth to the List of Top Anti-Ageing Herbs


The only living genus of Horsetail called Equisetum. Horsetail often used as Top Anti-Ageing Herbs to slowdown Your Body Ageing.and Treat or Maintain Your Skin.
The only living genus of Horsetail called Equisetum.

Horsetail Herb contains Natural Silicon which in particular treats Your Body to a Youthful and enhanced Glowing Skin. 

Application Method

Initially, Chop Horsetail Shoot and mix them with Honey. Subsequently, Store these honey mixed Shoots for 2 days. Later, drain the Honey from the Shoots and Consume the Herb. Usually, this type of preparation could be consumed Twice a day for better results.

Top Anti-Ageing Herbs for Your Body and Skin Tone

Third to the List of Top Anti-Ageing Herbs


Oregano Leaves. Oregano often used as Top Anti-Ageing Herbs to slowdown Your Body Ageing.and Treat or Maintain Your Skin
Oregano Leaves

Oregano as a Herb is more importantly a Storehouse of anti-Oxidants and rich Flavonoids. These components present in Oregano, in particular, Prevent Damages otherwise caused by Free Radicals present in your body. Oregano as a Herb therefore delays the Ageing process in your Body.

Application Method

Firstly, source pure Virgin Oregano Oil and some Virgin Olive Oil. Just before going to bed, massage Face with this mixture of Oregano oil mixed with some Olive oil. Later, Leave it overnight. 

Top Anti-Ageing Herbs for Your Body and Skin Tone

Second to the List of Top Anti-Ageing Herbs


A sprig of Rosemary. Rosemaryoften used as Top Anti-Ageing Herbs to slowdown Your Body Ageing.and Treat or Maintain Your Skin.
A Sprig of Rosemary.

Rosemary Herb Protects Skin from Fine Lines, Wrinkles and also from UV induced Ageing. 

Firstly take Rosemary Herbs and Boil it with 1 tsp of Apple Cider Vinegar. Next, Store this liquid in a Spray Bottle and Spray on Your Skin to use it as a Skin Toner.

Top Anti-Ageing Herbs for Your Body and Skin Tone

Top to the List of Top Anti-Ageing Herbs


Growing leaves of garden Sage also called Salvia officinalis. Sage leaves are covered with fine hairs called trichomes. Sage is often used as Top Anti-Ageing Herbs to slowdown Your Body Ageing.and Treat or Maintain Your Skin
Growing leaves of garden Sage also called Salvia officinalis. Sage leaves are covered with fine hairs called trichomes.

Sage as a Herb in particular is very rich in Anti-Oxidants. Sage as a Herb therefore because of its Anti-Oxidant properties controls or reduces signs of Ageing like Spots, Wrinkles and Fine Lines. 

Application Method

Firstly, Boil Partially dried Sage Leaves in Water for 20-30 min. Then Store the liquid in a Spray bottle. Later use this liquid as a Useful Toner for Your Skin.

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