Top Herbs that Benefit Health and Body In Weight Loss and Their Intake Pattern

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It has been long since those very ancient times that Herbs were widely used by our ancestors to treat various health diseases like weight gain and obesity and also to enhance beauty. Today in this modern age we have by far lost the knowledge and secrets of those herbs as we have forgotten their magic wonders of naturally treating our bodies, without any side effects and harm.

In this useful article, we not only list those secret Top Herbs that benefit Health and enable impressive Weight Loss of Your Body but, We also List the Intake pattern of these Herbs thru Food or Beverage, inorder that you may derive maximum health benefits to Your Health and Body.

Top Herbs that Benefit Health and Body In Weight Loss

Top to the List


( called shanbalileh In Iran, called Trigonella caerulea in Georgia, called by the Arabic name hilba or helba حلبة in Egypt, called abesh (or abish) in Amharic. called methi in parts of Asia. In Turkey fenugreek seed powder is called ‘çemen’. )

A Fenugreek Plant the source of Fenugreek Seeds used as herbs for intake as food for Health Benefit
A Fenugreek Plant the source of Fenugreek Seeds used as herbs for intake as food for Health Benefit.
Image : By Prof. Dr. Otto Wilhelm Thoméderivative work: Ninjatacoshell (talk) Illustration_Trigonella_foenum-graecum0.jpg, Public Domain,
Fenugreek Seeds as Food Herb obtained from Fenugreek Plant
Fenugreek Seeds as Food Herb obtained from Fenugreek Plant
Image : By Takeaway – Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0,

Fenugreek Seeds are proven to treat various ailments. They enable our body to absorb less Fat, and additionally also reduce Cholesterol. 

Fenugreek also has the following benefits. 

  • Prevents Obesity triggered by Stress and Inflammation.
  • Boosts Metabolism.
  • Improves Fat Digestion.
  • Reduces the risk of Insulin Resistance which is a common occurrence in women with PCOS.

Ways to Consume or Intake FENUGREEK

Fenugreek Seeds are bitter in taste and therefore, they can be consumed by soaking 1 teaspoon of Fenugreek seeds per day with 1 cup of Water. These seeds should however be soaked overnight and eaten next day morning on an empty stomach.

Home Cooked Recipes that accomodate Fenugreek powder in curries, smoothies, sauces, condiments or chutneys are also highly beneficial. Most Importantly, Care should be taken that these foods are Fresh and that they are not overcooked or overheated before eating.

Top Herbs that Benefit Health and Body In Weight Loss

– Second to the List


Bark of Cinnamon Tree often used as Herbs that benefit Health and Body for Weight Loss.
Cinnamon from the bark of a Cinnamon Tree often used as Herbs that benefit Health and Body for Weight Loss.
Image By Simon A. Eugster – Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0,

Cinnamon is an aromatic bark of a tree that belongs to the Cinnamomum species. Cinnamon used in various Food Recipes also has various medicinal properties like :

  • In Particular, Helps Fight Obesity.
  • Moreover, Boosts Metabolism.
  • Regulates Blood Sugar.
  • Also Lowers bad Cholesterol and Triglycerides.
  • Additionally Prevents Bloating.

Ways to Consume or Intake CINNAMON

1. Cinnamon Tea – Firstly, Boil 1½ teaspoon of Cinnamon Powder in 1 cup of water. Later, strain this liquid and drink.

2. Initially, Soak 1 inch Cinnamon bark or 1 teaspoon Cinnamon Powder in 1/2 cup of Water, overnight. Later, drink this liquid first thing in the morning on an empty stomach.

Top Herbs that Benefit Health and Body In Weight Loss

Third to the List


A Hibiscus Flower often used as Herbs that benefit Health and Body for Weight Loss.
Hibiscus Flower often used as Herbs that benefit Health and Body for Weight Loss.
Image : By Muhammad Mahdi Karim – Own work, GFDL 1.2,
Dried Calyces of Hibiscus Flowers often used as Herbs that benefit Health and Body for Weight Loss.
Dried Calyces of Hibiscus Flowers often used as Herbs that benefit Health and Body for Weight Loss.
Image : By mancito – Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0,

The Red coloured Hibiscus flower extract is known to

  • Reduces Obesity, More importantly.
  • Also Lowers Blood Pressure.
  • Additionally Reduces Fat accumulation thereby aiding Weight Loss.

Ways to Consume or Intake HIBISCUS

– As Hibiscus Tea.

Firstly, Add 2 cups of boiling Water to 1 teaspoon Dried Hibiscus flowers.

Meanwhile, Let it brew for 5 minutes.

Later, Add Honey for little sweetness and stir well and drink.

Top Herbs that Benefit Health and Body In Weight Loss

Fourth to the List


Deskinned Pods of Garlic Clove often used as Herbs that benefit Health and Body for Weight Loss
Deskinned Pods of Garlic Clove often used as as Herbs that benefit Health and Body for Weight Loss.
Image : by Maison Boutarin from Pixabay

Allicin an ingredient in Garlic

  • Has anti-Tumor properties.
  • Also Helps Lower Cholesterol.
  • Additionally Aids Weight Loss by boosting Metabolism.

Ways to Consume or Intake GARLIC

– A Clove of Garlic can be eaten either Raw or

– It can be also be used in Food Recipes that do not require the Food to be OverCooked.

– A Clove of Garlic can also be mashed and mixed in a Cup of Water with juice of half a Lime. Stir this well and drink.

Top Herbs that Benefit Health and Body In Weight Loss

Fifth to the List

Black Pepper

Black Pepper as Herbs that benefit Health and Body for Weight Loss.
Black Pepper as Herbs that benefit Health and Body for Weight Loss.
Image : By en:User:Bunchofgrapes – en:Image:Dried Peppercorns.jpg, CC BY-SA 3.0,

More equally Important, Piperine an ingredient in Black Pepper

  • Inhibits the creation of Fat cells (adipogenesis) thereby aiding Weight Loss.
  • It has anti-Depressant, anti-Oxidant, anti-Microbial, anti-Inflammatory and additionally Gut Function-improving properties.

Ways to Consume or Intake Black PEPPER

– Add Black Peppercorns daily to Your Recipes, either whole or in powdered form, You can also have Black Pepper in Raw form by just chewing 5 peppercorns daily. 

– Add 1 teaspoon Honey and ¼ teaspoon Black Pepper to a Cup of Warm Water and drink.

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