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Trump News – Challenge To Immigration Law that Ended Slavery

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Trump News – Throughout his presidency, Donald Trump has stated numerous times that he wants to override the 14th Amendment and abolish Birthright Citizenship. The former President has now made it a formal campaign promise to prevent undocumented immigrants’ children from getting citizenship at birth as he seeks re-election in 2024.

Trump stated on Tuesday that if re-elected in 2024, he would work to stop the automatic citizenship of children born in the US to illegal immigrants. This proposal runs counter to how the US Constitution‘s 19th Century amendment has long been understood.

Trump News On Return of Slavery

In a campaign video posted on Twitter, Donald Trump, a leading contender for the Republican presidential nomination in a field of candidates that is thinning out, promised to execute an executive order directing government organisations to cease the policy of birthright citizenship. There would surely be legal opposition to Trump taking such action.

Birthright citizenship originated from the 14th Amendment to the Constitution, which was adopted in 1868, three years after the end of the American Civil War. It ended Black slavery in Southern states and overturned a Supreme Court ruling that said slaves and freed African Americans were ineligible for US citizenship.

Donald Trump News republic campaign election Challenge Immigration Law 14th Ammendment constitution promise citizen undocumented children birth president right asylum
Trump News of his campaign to end Auto citizenship to children born in America whose parents are undocumented immigrants.

All people “born or naturalised in the United States,” including freed slaves, were granted citizenship under the amendment, which has been interpreted to apply regardless of whether parents were in the country legally.

Trump and the Republican Election Contenders Immigration Campaign

Like Trump, most of the contenders running for the Republican nomination in 2024, have made immigration a key component of their platforms. 

Many of those measures, are expected to be expanded under his new platform. According to Rolling Stone, the previous president has also suggested amending travel restrictions against nations with a majority of Muslims. This is in addition to changing citizenship laws.

Trump has made an effort to win over conservatives who prefer a tougher immigration policy among his party’s right-leaning base. As president, Trump implemented strict immigration policies and moved towards constructing the wall he had pledged to build as a contender in 2016.

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