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Use of Natural Mosquito Repellents – an Alternative to Chemical Based Ones

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The Mosquito has long been a common and pesky problem, particularly in areas with warm and humid Climates. These insects can transmit serious diseases like dengue, malaria, etc. So it’s important to take measures to prevent them from infesting your home and outdoor spaces. 

Often Chemical based Repellants available in the market invoke our apprehensions to their use. We therefore suggest considering some natural ingredients, most of which are easily stocked at home in the kitchen. This can also help us prevent irreversible damages to our Skin caused by market based repellents.

However first let us take a quick look at some of the measures that we can adopt in our daily lives to help keep a Mosquito at bay inorder to get rid off this Mosquito menace.

Water Overhaul that Flourish Mosquito Breeding

Since a Mosquito can thrive in stagnant water, eliminating any sources of stagnant water near your home can truly help. Here are some effective ways to Prevent a Mosquito to eliminate invading into stagnant water. As part of this exercise measure, empty any water-capable containers, such as Buckets, Flower Pots, Tyres, and Birdbaths.

Mosquito Screens Block Primary Entry Path

Utilise Screens – Putting Screens on your Windows and Doors will help you to keep Mosquitoes out of your house. Verify that the Screens are intact and free from tears or holes.

Wind Speed 

Unexpectedly, a Mosquito has poor flying abilities. That’s advantageous for us humans since it means all we have to do to deter Mosquitoes from approaching is to generate a little wind. Even though you have no control over the weather, you can take a fan outside and set it to high speed. No Mosquito will be able to annoy you from a close enough distance.

Appropriate Clothing 

When spending time outside during Mosquito season, dress protectively by donning long sleeves and long Trousers that cover your Skin. Mosquitoes prefer easy-to-see objects, and wearing dark clothing greatly increases your visibility to a Mosquito. Wearing light-colored apparel, will help you blend into the background more easily and provide a evasive advantage. Tight Clothes can make it more difficult for those Mosquito nasties to latch onto you and take a sumptuous bite.

Mosquito Nets

Use Mosquito Nets – To avoid getting bitten by Mosquitoes while camping or sleeping outside, use Mosquito Netting. Make sure the Mosquito Netting is thin enough to do its job.


Mosquitoes dislike Smoke. When No campfire is present then, you may set a burning egg carton corner somewhere very secure (like on your BBQ, for example). It will smoke continuously for a considerable amount of time, keeping Mosquitoes hidden.

A Well Maintained Garden

Keep your Garden neat and orderly. This will assist to limit the number of areas where Mosquitoes may hide and breed. Keep the grass short and trim any Plants or Trees.

Mosquito Traps

Use Mosquito Traps: Adult Mosquitoes can be captured and killed using Mosquito Traps. Look for Mosquito Traps that draw Mosquitoes closer to them, with light or carbon dioxide.

Unscented Lotion – A non-invitation for the much hated Mosquito

Whenever you don’t wear a floral or sweet-smelling Lotion, a Mosquito truly despises it but, when you are wearing them, the Mosquito may locate you more quickly because it enjoys sweet Scents. While you are heading outside, try and avoid wearing pleasant Perfumes so that, you can keep a Mosquito at bay.

Insect Repellents

Use Insect Repellents – Using Insect Repellents can help keep Mosquitoes at bay. Choose products with DEET or Picaridin, which are both good Mosquito Repellents. Apply the Repellant on clothing and exposed Skin.

Natural Mosquito Repellent Scents

Natural Scents – Numerous Natural Scents, including Cinnamon, Peppermint, Cedar, Citronella, Lemongrass, Patchouli, Catnip, Lavender, and more, repel Mosquitoes. 

Here are some of the Scents and the ways to use them to Repel Mosquitoes:


Perhaps the most well-known perfume used to deter Mosquitoes is Citronella Oil. This Oil is derived from a number of Plants and repels Insects with its potent smell. To deter Mosquitoes, you can use Citronella Candles, Oil, or even plant it in your yard.


Aromatherapy frequently employs the relaxing scent of lavender. It does, however, work well as a Mosquito repellent smell. To deter Mosquitoes, plant lavender in your yard or use Lavender Essential Oil.

Lemon Eucalyptus 

A shrub called Lemon Eucalyptus has a naturally occurring Oil that keeps insects away. Mosquitoes are repelled by its fresh, lemony aroma, which is appealing to humans. Lemon Eucalyptus Oil works well as a natural insect repellant.


Garlic, while not particularly palatable to humans, can be a successful Mosquito repellent fragrance. Because the smell of Garlic is expelled through the Skin, eating Garlic or taking Supplements with it can keep Mosquitoes away.

Neem Oil

Azadirachta indica common name Neem nimtree Indian lilac margosa tree mahogany family Meliaceae specie genus Azadirachta northeast Indian subcontinent Indochina Mosquito
Neem Oil from Seeds of Neem Tree is also used as a Mosquito Repellent.
Image By J.M.Garg – Own work, CC BY 3.0,

The Neem tree is a medicinal tree, native to India. It’s leaves are used commercially to manufacture medicines for diabetes due to its sour taste. 

Neem Oil is extracted from its Seeds. Studies have shown that Azadirachtin, a substance that inhibits the growth of Mosquito larvae is present in Neem Oil. Due to the pungent odour of the Oil, Mosquitoes are repelled. 

In order to use it, 2 tsp of Neem Oil can be mixed with quarter Cup of Water and applied on the Skin or alternatively it can be added to the Diffuser.


Mosquito Repellents frequently contain Camphor as a component. This material has a potent, unpleasant fragrance and is made from the Camphor Tree’s bark. It forms a layer that Mosquitoes cannot cross when applied to the skin. Camphor also functions as a Natural pesticide. Simply combine Water and Camphor Oil in an equal amount, then spray it all over your House. In addition to killing any Mosquitoes that come into touch with the mixture, the potent smell will deter Insects.


Peppermint has a very strong fragrance (minty). When the leaves are crushed the fragrance and oil is released. Insects are turned away by the stong fragrance. Crushed leaves or peppermint oil can be added to water and applied to your skin.

Olive Oil & Aloe Vera Gel

Aloe Vera named Spotted forms chinensis medicine beauty treatment thorn green gel hair drink eat lotion cream
Aloe Vera Plant. Aloe Vera Gel is also used as Mosquito Repellent.
Image Source : GFDL,

Two organic ingredients that have been used for their medicinal properties for a long time are Aloe Vera and Olive Oil. Both have been demonstrated to be successful at keeping Mosquitoes away. Acemannan, a substance found in Aloe Vera gel, has been shown to be poisonous to Mosquitoes.

Aloe Vera gel can also aid in the relief of insect bites. Oleocanthal, a substance found in Olive Oil, has also been found to be poisonous to Mosquitoes. Olive Oil creates a barrier on the skin that Mosquitoes find challenging to pass through. Olive Oil can also aid in reducing swelling and itching brought on by Mosquito bites. Aloe Vera and Olive Oil can be a powerful combination for repelling Mosquito bites.

Clove Oil & Lemon Oil Mosquito Repellents

Two organic compounds that have been proven to be successful at keeping Mosquitoes away are Lemon and Clove oil. Citronella, a well-known insect repellent, is found in Lemon Oil. Eugenol, a natural pesticide that can aid in repelling Mosquitoes, is another component of Clove Oil. Add a few drops of each Oil to a Spray Bottle of Water to make Lemon and Clove Oil Insect Repellents. Then, spray the concoction wherever you wish to deter Mosquitoes, such as on your clothing or around your Home.

Additionally, you can buy Mosquito Repellent items made with Lemon and Clove oil. It is important to remember that although if these Scents have the potential to keep Mosquitoes away, they could not be as efficient as chemical repellents that contain DEET. Furthermore, some individuals may be allergic to specific odours, so it’s crucial to test any new Mosquito Repellent on a small patch of Skin before applying it more broadly.

With the help of these few tips you may dramatically minimise the amount of Mosquitoes near your home and stop them from invading your living spaces .

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