Close-up of lips inhaling smoke from an electronic cigarette, illustrating the potential risks associated with Vaping.

Vaping Alert: Potential Risks of Chronic Diseases Revealed by New Study

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Understanding the Chemical Risks

A recent study conducted by the Royal College of Surgeons has raised concerns about the potential health risks associated with Vaping, particularly in relation to the development of chronic diseases. The Study, which focused on the Chemicals contained in e-cigarette flavors, suggests that Ireland may be on the brink of a new wave of Chronic diseases within the next 15 to 20 years.

AI Analysis of Vape Flavors From Vaping

Researchers from the RCSI, in collaboration with colleagues from Japan, analyzed a range of hazardous Chemicals found in Vape flavors.

Using an AI model, they simulated the effects of heating these Chemicals for inhalation and identified 127 substances classified as acute toxic substances and over 150 as health hazards.

Unintended Consequences

While these Chemicals are commonly used in the Food industry and have a good Safety record in that context, the Study highlights that they were never intended to be superheated and inhaled.

This raises concerns about the long-term impact of Vaping, particularly among young people who are increasingly drawn to this practice.

Call for Further Research and Regulation

The findings of this Study underscore the importance of further research into the health effects of vaping and the need for regulations to protect public health.

As the popularity of Vaping continues to grow, it is crucial to understand its potential risks and take proactive measures to mitigate them.

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