Burning Man 2023 Hit by Heavy Rains

Thousands stranded in the mud. There are growing concerns about food, water, and sanitation. Evacuations are underway.

Attendees Stranded in Mud

Due to the muck, many attendees are confined to their RVs or tents. Some people have taken to wading through the muck, although this is risky and laborious.

Roads and Campsites Destroyed

Some roads are impassable owing to the mud, and others have been completely swept away. Campers need shelter since campsites have been inundated and damaged.

Water and Food Supplies Running Low

Food and water options are scarce. Sanitation is also a worry because it is difficult to maintain cleanliness due to the flooding and muck.

Evacuations Underway

Due to the mud and flooding, the evacuation of participants from Burning Man is going slowly. Some guests opted to hang around and ride out the storm.

Attendees Help Each Other

Participants are assisting one another, exchanging food and water. Even in the face of difficulty, the cooperative and communal spirit of Burning Man is still very much alive.

Burning Man Spirit Still Strong

Attendees are determined to enjoy the festival to the fullest despite the difficulties. Even in the muck, they are making art, dancing, and having a good time.

Lessons Learned

In order to be better prepared for adverse weather, Burning Man organizers will upgrade their contingency preparations.