Hand affected by Hand Osteoarthritis - Illustration

What Is Hand Osteoarthritis and How Is It Treated

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Hand Osteoarthritis is a painful condition that afflicts millions, causing discomfort and restricting daily activities. Recent research has questioned the efficacy of some common treatments, shedding light on what truly works and what might not be as effective as once believed.

The Ineffectiveness of Joint Injections Hand Osteoarthritis

One common treatment involves injecting steroids or hyaluronic acid into finger joints. However, a comprehensive review by the University of Copenhagen suggests that these injections may not be more effective than Placebos in relieving pain caused by Hand Osteoarthritis.

Other Treatments Under Scrutiny Hand Osteoarthritis

The research also evaluated various pharmacological interventions, with NSAIDs and steroid tablets emerging as the most effective in reducing pain and improving function. Yet, long-term steroid use has adverse effects, warranting careful consideration.

In contrast, joint injections of hyaluronate, steroids, and hydroxychloroquine tablets showed no significant advantage over placebos, raising questions about their effectiveness. Topical creams and gels also faced uncertainty regarding their efficacy.

The Need for Reevaluation Hand Osteoarthritis

These findings prompt a critical reevaluation of treatment recommendations. Future large-scale trials are needed to establish the true efficacy of promising interventions. Evidence-based medicine is vital in guiding Hand Osteoarthritis treatment.

Thumb deformity caused by Hand Osteoarthritis - Illustration
Thumb deformity caused by arthritis has resulted in reduced mobility at the base of the thumb. To compensate for this, the joint closer to the tip of the thumb has become excessively mobile, leading to abnormal motion, which can pose challenges.

Individualized Treatment Approach

Experts recommend an individualized approach, considering options with the lowest risk first, such as short-term usage of oral NSAIDs or glucocorticoids. Potential benefits must be weighed against associated risks.

Seeking Hand Surgery Specialists

For persistent symptoms, consulting hand surgery specialists is advisable. They can assess treatment alternatives, including medication, splinting, hand therapy, injections, and surgery, providing valuable insights and options for managing Hand Osteoarthritis.


The landscape of Hand osteoarthritis treatment is evolving, challenging long-standing beliefs about certain interventions. While some therapies may not provide the expected relief, NSAIDs and steroid tablets have shown promise. Patients and healthcare providers must collaborate to determine the most suitable treatment plan, taking individual needs and potential risks into account. Seeking the guidance of hand surgery specialists can offer valuable insights and options for those seeking relief from this debilitating condition.

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